Argentina: The Emperor’s Clothes

I’ve been here just over three weeks now. Things are going ok: I’ve got a nice pad and made a couple of local friends. I’ll tell you one thing: the Argies are a lot friendlier than the Czechs.. jeez louise.

I’ve just read Roosh’s “Argentina Compendium” and also a good few threads on the RooshV forum. It seems to be that the de rigeur opinion on Argentina is that is has some of the hottest women in the world but is a really difficult place to score, with the girls being extremely unpredictable and nightmarish to deal with.

First off, the hotness.

It’s bullcrap.

The girls here are nothing special. Yes, there are hot girls but to be frank they are few and far between. Of course there are more hot girls than in the UK, that’s hardly difficult: there’s more fuckable girls in an Italian monastery than there is in a London nightclub. I wonder if the guys on the Roosh forum just haven’t travelled to Eastern Europe, or in fact Europe at all, before they came down to latin america?

I live in a nice part of town, and I’ve cycled round a lot so for three weeks I’ve seen a LOT of the city. In quality terms I would say it is definitely below Prague, London, Zagreb, and Serbia. As an example, if I nip out of my apartment in Zagreb and go to the shop to buy a pint of milk, I’ll likely see three extremely hot and cute girls I’d like to screw, plus three or so older MILFs in great shape who I’d be happy to screw. In London it’d be zero. In Newcastle it’d be zero. In Belgrade it’d be a couple. In Prague, I’d see three or so. Here, I’d probably see none.

Here’s the truth. The girls in Argentina (Buenos Aires) are NOT exceptionally hot. Let me be the first to try and put an end to this myth.

I think it’s a case of the Emperor’s Clothes, or the usual Leader/Follower Manosphere dynamic. Isn’t it human male nature to get carried away with the pack?

There are HB8’s here, but less than London or Prague. Most of the hottest girls are in the low 8 category. I have yet, in three weeks, to see a single utterly stunning girl, a HB9. In Prague I’d see about 2 a day. In London maybe 1 a day. In Belgrade about 3 or 4 a day, same as Zagreb.

I do wonder if some of the reason for Buenos Aires’ inflated quality standard by Roosh and his followers is this:
-they live Bottom-World lives of sleeping all day in hostels and hitting clubs every night. Maybe the clubs are packed with super-hotties. I am talking about the city, not the clubs
-perhaps they go to Cordoba, which has 3 universities and therefore maybe more hot chicks.
-as I said, maybe a lot of guys hitting latin america have only ever experienced north america and never seen what eastern europe has to offer.

Daygame here is dreadful. I have to confess, I have virtually done NONE. There’s almost no point. I’ve done enough daygame in enough countries to know I have fairly decent calibration and let me tell you this: the vibe on the street here is fucking awful. Girls DO NOT walk around dreamily with a smile on their faces; they scurry round, head down, with a frown – desperately hoping that NO man will talk to them. Why? Because the national pasttime of Argentinian working class men seems to be jeering and wolf-whistling at girls on the streets. Every girl I’ve met regularly gets cat-called and leered at day in and day out. And it’s not just wolf whistles, my main (er, only) prospect here says the shouts are quite threatening and creative. Just the other day she got “Hey baby! You look so nice. With beautiful lips like that you should let me fuck your mouth!”.


Daygame ruined.

I WILL try direct daygame when I get a chance but I’m expecting it to be an utter train-wreck.

Ontop of the bad vibe on the street I’d have to say the girls don’t seem especially sexual. That’s another calibration-call I have. Just talking to them and interacting with them, in shops, cafes, stores, etc, I don’t pick up any tingles that they’re particularly sexual or sensuous. My radar tells me: cold fish. To be honest, they don’t even seem to have that much personality. Looking for bookish introverts? Never mind the wrong country, you’re in the wrong continent.

I don’t regret coming though, as I said I’m doing a course at the minute (hence the reduce blogging) and I’ve made a few friends, and the city really does have a charm to it. It’s cool and there’s an awful lot of culture. Likelihood so far of fucking an Argentine girl = 0%. My main prospect is Venezuelan!…


ps. Edit: I’ve just realized that it may appear I was calling Roosh the ‘Emperor’ (without the clothes). That wasn’t my intent!

12 responses to “Argentina: The Emperor’s Clothes”

  1. How do you dare! The MSL (Manosphere Supreme Leader, AKA Roosh) himself did order us to believe in the Argie hotness. You’ll soon be banned from RVF.

  2. Daygame is more than street game. I’m sure there are malls and book stores. You tried day gaming there?

    Plenty of malls and shopping centers in Buenos Aires:

    As far as RVF is concerned, you should watch their actions instead of listening to their words. Pretty much everyone on there who goes to Latin America chooses Mexico, Peru (the Philippines of South America) or Colombia. When was the last time you saw a popular thread on Argentina?

  3. I look at travel data contextually. Who’s saying what at which point in time to what audience with what background. After I filter all that, all that’s left is “xyz club, 123 square, abc mall, 789 activity”.

    The most interesting parts about “datasheets” usually aren’t the “data” but the stories that follow.

    Most American guys I talk to prefer South America due to its proximity and familiarity with the Spanish language. Getting a passport’s hard enough work.

    Since you’re there, why not muddy the boots and knock out a couple dozen sets? See it as an opportunity to try stuff you’ve never done before. If the men are very aggressive and bravado, why not play up the English gentleman? Maybe try more outlandish mythologies.

    Good call on ticking off some touristy cultural stuff; I find it helps balance my vibe. And it gives a bit more convo cannon fodder than:

    HB-10: “So… what have you seen in *my city*?”
    ALPHA: “You guys have great shopping malls and main streets :D”

    1. Cheers. Thanks for the subtle nudge. Yes, you’re right and coincidentally I have decided to do exactly that, I have to at least prove my theories either way (but of course giving it a fair and honest crack). 5 sets each day (as per Roosh’s advice!), I did my first 5 tonight and found to my enormous surprise that although they were difficult they were not impossible. Add onto that two solid daygame sessions on Sat/Sun and I want to be hitting 40-50 sets a week. I plan to do 100 sets and collate and present my results. Maybe I’ll strike lucky? Maybe it’ll be a city of 50 blow outs and then a Yes-girl?

      1. 100 sets by a seasoned veteran like yourself would be a great data sample. If it blows up and nothing happens it would be safe to conclude pretty much any other average looking guys coming over would have the same luck.

        Roosh ( at least when he wrote extensively about south america ) was pretty much a night game specialist. 99% of his major “hunting” took place at bars and clubs. I’d say the claims of Argentina having the hottest women is due to night game observances.

        Now that we have progressed to “galt game” as Krauser calls it and night game is starting to be a relic of the past, stating a countries women is X level of hotness based off of what you see at major nightclubs is antiquated. A more realistic measure of a countries true level of hotness is what you see while walking around doing daily errands and daygame.

  4. 100 sounds like plenty to get a feel for the place.

    My limited experience with Argentines is they’re a bit more intellectual and Germanic than the stereotypical warm and open Spanish vibe.

    Unrelated, I got blown out all weekend then yesterday morning got a solid # from a Russian student on my first approach of the day. The percentages are a curious thing indeed.

    Looking forward to this trip unfolding. Happy hunting.

  5. Pastime, de rigueur – but fuck that. All the best, and I hope business improves pronto.

    Informative post. Sounds very different to Brazil, which I visited in the pre-game era (I’m old). Cute, smart, talkable-to girls everywhere.

  6. How do you think your appearance will count in the pickup stakes in Argentina?

  7. Hey Bodi, on an unrelated note what is the cost of living like in BA? What sort of budget are you living off of these days? I’m about to quit my job and start a quest similar to yours and am really interested in what other ‘galt gamers’ are setting as their monthly budgets.

  8. Well done on doing all this and finding out what things are really like down there. I think moving to another country is like starting a business, plenty of people like to speculate and dream about it, but only a small percentage will ever actually do it.

    I’m pleased to hear that the Argentinians are friendly, it is always better to have the wind at your back I suppose. I lived in Switzerland in my early twenties and fuck me were those people unfriendly. Making friends and having fun in London was a breeze by comparison.

    I’m looking forward to hearing about how gym, working, and social networking pan out.

  9. Hey guys, i’m from Argentina. I lived all my life here, still do.
    Women here have a lot of stupid bitch shields that avoid escalation. Nonetheless, they can be broken, especially if u are a tourist.
    Maybe as a tourist you pick up wrong places to start.
    Not all women go to a club to get picked up, someones just go dancing with her friends, so, their mindset converts literally in a bitch shield.
    One night stands here are not so frequent. Girls here have a call for attention, even the ugly ones. Also, guys pick up REALLY ugly women, so even the 3,4,5 are like pumped up because of this guys.
    It’s worth mentioning that the sets here are always, and i mean 100% of the groups have a leadership – so, before starting to isolate one girl, you have to crack open their leader.
    Then, the things that occur in all the places in the world…a bad day, the ex called her that day, etc.
    Said all of that, Argentinians are friendly. I think that a main feature that tourist have is a free friendzone for a couple of days. Natives here don’t.
    Gl people, i hope that some of the things i said help.

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