March 2011

  • Kenny Powers

    Kenny Powers lives his life to a soundtrack. When most people wake up in the morning they wake up scared of the world and only half convinced they want to engage with life. When’s the last time you woke up feeling great? When Kenny Powers wakes up he has this playing in his head: [youtube=]… Continue reading

  • DreamChink Update

    Let’s recap. I opened her on Oxford Street a few days before Christmas and I had my first instant date with her. It went brilliantly and there was attraction. After xmas I follow it up and arrange dinner and drinks. Date 1 A good night. It’s fun and relaxed. Over cocktails we have rapport. I’m… Continue reading

  • 50 Sets of challenge: Day 2: Sets #6 to #14

    After DreamChink shit-tests herself into a decaying orbit I decide I get The Fury and decide to go for it. I stare at myself in the mirror and give myself a lecture, out loud for twenty minutes, visualising myself giving a bootcamp lecture. It’s brilliant and my state is good. I start off ok doing… Continue reading

  • Fifty Sets of Challenge

    I’ve realised who my enemy is. Avoidance Weasel. He lives in my hindbrain and the depths of his cunning are beyond fathom. His subtle machinations and plans are carried out at a level the naked eye cannot see. Imagine Bob Holness chairing Blockbusters and on one side we have a pair of eight year old… Continue reading

  • K-Bone breakdown

    The gulf between my theoretical knowledge of game and what I’m capable of applying and using infield is monumental. Kind of like someone who has sat and studied the entire syllabus of Judo on YouTube; every single throw and hold, and can now use small dolls to expertly and precisely illustrate every single technique from… Continue reading

  • Unhappy bitter twat

    I’ve finally done it. Almost a year of blogging now and I’ve crawled up the Google rankings to the very top. Yes, my humble blog is the number one search result in the world on Google. Simply type in “unhappy bitter twat” and see for yourselves. In fact I am both first AND second result.… Continue reading

  • RSG Five Quid Bootcamp

    I just noticed on Krauser’s blog that RSG are doing a free bootcamp; well a taster bootcamp really. Five quid for five lectures. Looks like a steal to me. If this was me a year ago I’d jump at the chance. As regular readers of this blog will realise I’ve got to know some of… Continue reading