December 2010

  • The Lows: my inner-game long dark night of the soul.

    This is probably one of the weirdest posts I’ve ever put up. What follows is not a proper post but a monologue I wrote to myself as an exercise to try and sort my inner game out when I had a really bad day the other week. For various reasons that day my serotonin levels… Continue reading

  • The Highs: my first instant date

    I remember back in the summer-time having my perfect day of daygame. After closing Hot Indian Flake Johnny said “you’ll look back in the future and realise how into you girls like that were and be stunned you didn’t instant date them”. Too right. It beggars belief. In hindsight I can see the chemistry was… Continue reading

  • Starting to vibe.

    One of the aims of my sabbatical is to get over the painful part of daygame approaching so that approaching women can become a pleasant, internalised part of my life and when I go back to the daily grind I can rack up approaches as part of my normal life (on the tube, walking to… Continue reading

  • Game sabbatical begins…

    It’s been two weeks since I finished work. My game sabbatical hasn’t started with quite the explosive bang I hoped for… more of a gradual warm up. First off I’ve had to do lots of other crap which distracted me: moving flat, buying furniture, unexpected visits up north, Christmas shopping, etc, and I’m not a… Continue reading

  • What happened to the last post?

    The more astute blog followers will have noticed that the last post mysteriously disappeared for a few weeks. It seems that at around the same time Krauser got busted by three of his victims girls that one of the girls whose profile I poked fun at actually found the post. She really wasn’t that chuffed.… Continue reading