December 2013
Early Retirement
After I finish writing this blog post I will hand my notice in to leave my job. I then plan to spend up to the next two years doing something very important: living my life Which means that all of my time will be my own and not spent ‘working for the man’. Before I… Continue reading
Give Up
One strategy that I don’t think the Gamosphere gives enough time to considering is that of giving up the ‘tactical retreat’. I believe that for a number of men that this represents their best option for the least-miserable life. Take a step back, look at the hordes and hordes of desperately unhappy, frustrated, bitter and… Continue reading
Guest post
..and for the 1% of my traffic that don’t come via Nick’s blog…. I have just put up a guest post at Continue reading
Same Day-De(no)lay
It’s a bright, brisk Sunday afternoon and I’m strolling near Victoria with Nick. ‘What about her… I think she’s on her own… Brazilian’ he says, pointing out a girl ambling by. He’s spotted a solo girl and she’s not quite thin enough for him so he’s pointing her out to me, as I don’t mind… Continue reading
Near miss: massive-titted 25 year old Frenchie
It’s summer time. After a Saturday afternoon of walking round zone one I’m winding the day up by walking past Buckingham Palace. There’s usually no sets there but it’s nice to get away from the hustle and bustle. I’m about to head back through Green Park when I spot a little hamster walking by with… Continue reading