
  • The London Experiment: Conclusion

    I’m writing this through gritted teeth. I really have no interest at the minute in updating my blog so I’m forcing myself to do it. I’m not saying I’m winding it up, I just mean at present I don’t have much interest, so please excuse me if this filters through into my prose.   I’ve… Continue reading

  • Unplugging: 1 yr 7 months in

    Hello chaps. It’s been a long while since we had a ‘sabbatical’ themed post here so I thought it high time to bring everyone up to speed. The keen-eyed amongst you will have noticed that I am no longer in South America and are perhaps wondering why… I made the decision to go to South… Continue reading

  • Sabbatical: Year One

    I’m actually at Day 403, but let’s not split straws. First off, this is no longer a ‘sabbatical’; that implies I’m taking time off from work. This is now my life. Suggestions on how to rename these posts? How am I feeling? I’m loving it. I’m happy, I’m content and I cannot envisage myself ever… Continue reading

  • Sabbatical Day 335: A New Direction

    I’m back in Newcastle now, preparing my next move. Looking back over the last year I’m disattisfied with it. Game-wise I did FAR WORSE than the year before. I fucked more girls this year but the quality sucked. All of them left me disatissfied in some way whereas last year the quality of every single… Continue reading

  • Sabbatical Day 295

    So, it’s been a while. Let me check.. almost seven weeks since I’ve blogged. Why so long? A combination of laziness, disinterest, avoidance and business. How is the grand sabbatical going? OK is the answer. I’m now on my third euro-jaunt and enjoying it. Not rip-roaring, snow-boarding, backpacking in asia level enjoying it; that’s not… Continue reading

  • Sabbatical: Day 232

    It’s been a long time since I gave a sabbatical update. After a quick post search I believe the last update was May 10th, 98 days in. Well I’m now 232 days in. When I wrote that post I’d finished work at the end of January and spent six weeks in Singapore, back for a… Continue reading

  • Sabbatical: Day 98

    Can it really only be ninety eight days since I left work? In that short period I feel like I’ve lived three lifetimes. When I think back to being at work: the commute, the office, the people, the colours of the cubicle walls, the feel of my legs under the desk, the noise of chit chat; it… Continue reading

  • Sabbatical Day 18

    Disclaimer I am going to use this blog to discuss the time I’m taking out from my normal career. These posts don’t really cover game and will read more like journal entries. Sabbatical Day 18 I am now on day 18 of my (possibly ephemeral) early retirement from the corporate rat race. So far I’ve… Continue reading

  • Early Retirement: Day One

    I finished my job yesterday after 14 months of work. Before starting this job I thought I’d successfully brainwashed myself into being excited about my chosen vocation and that I could conduct a forebrain initiated restructuring of my satisfaction pathways and recommence an exciting career in IT. Wrong. A month in and I was exhausted… Continue reading

  • Doing nothing isn’t easy

    I always thought quitting my job and doing nothing would be idyllic. Ever since I started my career in my early 20s I hated it. For me it was a non-stop battle against fatigue, sleep-deprivation, boredom, annoyance and stress. For most of my working life I’ve had to sacrifice sleep or mental state: I’ve simply… Continue reading