February 2014
Daygame Singapore
I did a little daygame in downtown Singapore last weekend. From what I could see I was the ONLY person doing so, although from a quick Gooling there do appear to be a couple of bootcamps running now and again. Singapore is not easy for daygame and here’s why: targets. I spotted very few girls,… Continue reading
Sabbatical Day 18
Disclaimer I am going to use this blog to discuss the time I’m taking out from my normal career. These posts don’t really cover game and will read more like journal entries. Sabbatical Day 18 I am now on day 18 of my (possibly ephemeral) early retirement from the corporate rat race. So far I’ve… Continue reading
“Oh is this the way they say the future’s meant to feel? Or just 20,000 people staring at a screen, And I don’t quite understand just what this feeling is.” Today I signed up for Tinder. I’ve heard a lot about it. Let me review my prior knowledge for you. Friend One: Portugese, 30, swarthy,… Continue reading
Early Retirement: Day One
I finished my job yesterday after 14 months of work. Before starting this job I thought I’d successfully brainwashed myself into being excited about my chosen vocation and that I could conduct a forebrain initiated restructuring of my satisfaction pathways and recommence an exciting career in IT. Wrong. A month in and I was exhausted… Continue reading
Singapore Bootcamps
Just incase you are one of my few regulars who lives in Singapore or Malaysia or Asia… (admittedly a small chance) Please note I have decided to do some coaching at some point this and next month when I am in Singapore. The squeeze page is here: http://bodipua.com/singapore-bootcamp/ Continue reading