May 2014
How to turn an email to a number (actual game tip!)
Krauser recently momentarily broke his regular sessions of mental masturbation to give some actual real, actionable game tips so I thought I’d copy him and do likewise. Here’s a little gambit you can use when you’re running a daygame set and a girl’s just rebuffed a number-close but has suggested email or Facebook instead. So the… Continue reading
On Naturals: Part Three
This is the final part in my three-part series on naturals. As a quick recap: in part one I defined a Natural as: The Natural: the man who can, without explicitly learning game, based on his own charisma or magnetism attract and sleep with lots of women of a respectable quality. I then discussed the… Continue reading
8 Things I noticed about the Former Soviet Union
While reclining here in the stain-resistant faux leather sofa of my hometown, Newcastle’s, premier Cafe Nero and gazing out of the open bay windows onto the sun-kissed streets and hordes of deformed, obese and orange-coloured people my mind turned to the past four weeks in the FSU (Former Soviet Union) spent with Messrs. Krauser and… Continue reading
Sabbatical: Day 98
Can it really only be ninety eight days since I left work? In that short period I feel like I’ve lived three lifetimes. When I think back to being at work: the commute, the office, the people, the colours of the cubicle walls, the feel of my legs under the desk, the noise of chit chat; it… Continue reading
On Naturals: Part Two
In my first post I mused a little on the phenomena of the ‘natural’: the man whom using only his pre-alloted share of charm and charisma and without, dare I say, ‘formally’ learning game proceeds through life casually acquiring notches at a super-normal rate. I questioned how many of these naturals existed and made the… Continue reading