
  • A Wolf in Rabbit’s Clothing

    It’s Monday morning at Ace Recruitment agency. Gavin picks up the phone, stares into the receiver and shudders. Beside him, Kenny reclines back in his seat talking loudly and confidently into his bluetooth headset. “Oh yeah, yeah, yeah… sure, sure, sure… fo’ sure, fo’ sure” he smirks at Gavin and gives him the thumbs-up. Gavin… Continue reading

  • Daygame London

    London. Daygame capital of the world. What’s it like? What is it like to live the daygame dream? To walk these hallowed streets.. As I’ve been here for the last few months doing just this I thought I’d give a brief overview of my thoughts on the matter. Infinity The great benefit to doing daygame… Continue reading

  • Continuum Theory

    I once read an article about a man that had walked from John O’Groats to Land’s End. He said that the main attribute required was patience and the ability to detract yourself from looking at the micro level achievements of that one given day, which when examined looked in fact futile: perhaps ten miles walked… Continue reading

  • Daygame Buenos Aires

    I couldn’t live with myself for not giving it a go, so I’ve started and am now 62 sets into Experiment Buenos Aires. The inital results suggest I was sort of 70% wrong about daygame here. Firstly, and most importantly, it’s not impossible by any means. In fact, it’s not that difficult. Not that difficult,… Continue reading

  • Overcompensation

    I was talking to my old mate Jimmy Jambone last night about my recent dates. “The problem is” I said, “I’m overcompensating: I’m going way too far in one direction”. The last couple of dates I had were with very hot Russian students, 23 and 22 years old (the second being the TYHOG). I remember… Continue reading

  • My game is “awful”

    I was out today doing daygame with a friend, in my current EE city of residence. Feeling sorry for myself I was bemoaning what I perceived to be my current lack of success with daygame. “I’m not doing that well at present” I explained. “I certainly am not one of those guys that can be… Continue reading

  • Game stock-check

    So where’s my game at now? Well, it’s not been easy the last year to be honest. I had a run of success with daygame and banged five hotties back to back last year, started (open) dating one of them and since then everything has been shit. Or rather it hasn’t, really, but that’s just… Continue reading

  • The Supernatural Female Hivemind Deity

    On my last Euro jaunt I did  a lot of daygame. I went out when I didn’t feel like it and I walked round, often in baking sunshine and forced myself to open girls. I noticed that I was doing some things sub-optimally and I tried to work on those a little. I had some blowouts and all the… Continue reading

  • How to turn an email to a number (actual game tip!)

    Krauser recently momentarily broke his regular sessions of mental masturbation to give some actual real, actionable game tips so I thought I’d copy him and do likewise. Here’s a little gambit you can use when you’re running a daygame set and a girl’s just rebuffed a number-close but has suggested email or Facebook instead. So the… Continue reading

  • On Naturals: Part Two

    In my first post I mused a little on the phenomena of the ‘natural’: the man whom using only his pre-alloted share of charm and charisma and without, dare I say,  ‘formally’ learning game proceeds through life casually acquiring notches at a super-normal rate. I questioned how many of these naturals existed and made the… Continue reading