Coaching & Mentoring

I regularly get emails from men that are looking for some guidance. Usually they’ve read something in my books or blog and it resonates with them. I find myself now turning into one of the ‘old hands’ of the community.

I believe there is an enormous demand for, and tragic lack of, inner-game/psychology coaching and mentoring for men trying to come to terms with life in the modern world as we currently find it.

One of the driving goals of my life is to help men facing similar obstacles to that which I faced.

With that in mind I have begun doing some online coaching, at first by word-of-mouth, but now more formally.

Note! I am not a qualified psychologist, counsellor or therapist, although with time I will seek to complete a coaching certification.

Here are some of the things I have helped guys with:

“Game Journey” coaching and mentoring

What on earth is “game journey” coaching? Well, I believe many wannabe PUA’s, or young, unattached men with money and libido, do not adequately plan out the timeline of the phases of their life. Too many of us end up burned out, or “game weirdos” who can’t connect with women anymore.

God knows I’ve seen it all by now, and I can help.

Inner-Game work

I’m not a psychologist but you can talk to me about your stumbling blocks and I will use my incredible powers of analysis to give you the hard truth. Perhaps I will refer you to a real psychologist (I don’t believe they are all “blue pill frauds”) or perhaps you’ll find that simply talking to someone who has been through the same, and known literally dozens of men in similar circumstances, will be enough to help.

Big Brothering

No, not the Orwellian hell; I mean something altogether more amiable.

There is no embarrassment in simply being a modern man in a soulless big city who does not have a like-minded male mentor to speak to about his concerns. Sadly, many of us have to have this life now. Some men have a whole bundle of worries and simply want someone older and more experienced to talk to.

Generally confused and curious about Game

I’ve had clients who are simply older men (past 50) who’ve maybe been divorced, or never quite met “the right woman” and are curious about Game and if it really works, and how they could take things from the toolbox and utilise them in their own lives.

I can also help you find quality game “in-field” training or how to choose a bootcamp (if that’s your cup of tea).

Girlfriend or Wife hunting

A lot of men don’t want to be international slayers. They just want a nice girlfriend or to find a wife. A lot of the Game books and the actual coaches are geared more towards the other side of the pitch. You don’t want to be taking advice on finding a nice wife off a “coach” who has, for example, slept with 100+ women and is a broken husk who can charm average looking silly young girls in to bed easily but hasn’t had a relationship in X years.

Global Arbitrage

I left my heritage and my homeland to burn in its own depravity, and after a long and difficult road found a new home abroad. Many of us are doing likewise. I can advise. I can make it feel real. Get the fuck out and go where you are valued.

Accountability check-ins and anti-Weaselling services

A classic service that I was offering as far back as 2016. Some men don’t have a network of game wings, and are smart enough to realise they have an intractable energy which leads them slowly back to the status quo of nothing really happening. Checking in with a coach and being made accountable for your forward velocity can be very useful.

Understanding Actual Game

I’ve put this last but it’s by no means least. Again, it’s kind of a gap in the market. There’s books and courses, then there’s bootcamps, but what about the fellas that don’t want to do daygame, and find the books a bit shite and gimmicky? I had a client last year who told me straight, “I don’t really know what Game is.”

I helped him climb the learning curve and discard what was useless to him. I worked with him to build his own, workable model of game. On a one-to-one basis he would present me audio recordings of chats he’d had with girls he liked, and we deconstructed it together, and from this built up whiteboard diagrams of how the interaction was working. Little by little I got him to understand how to apply meta-analysis to interactions, and how to do thing like a) stop fucking up b) leverage his natural personality to become more charismatic and attractive.  

Many men are ‘stuck’ right at the start. They can’t jump an interaction with a woman from the digital (non-sexual) wavelength to the analogue (sexual) one. They are often also completely unaware of Frame-control and the hidden language of the interaction.

 What I don’t do

  • I get a few odd emails now and again from people “wanting to chat about the good old days of London daygame.” That’s a bit odd. I won’t indulge in gossip about other game instructors.
  • I don’t do “in-field” game coaching – I’m too old, fat and married for that.
  • I won’t help you achieve goals which I think would ultimately be long-term detrimental to your life e.g. “how can I pork 100 girls in three years?”
  • I don’t believe all women are fungible. I don’t hate women. If you do, we can still talk but you can expect some push-back from me and ultimately, I’m the coach so if you keep prattling on and being a psycho I’ll cease working with you (but keep your money).
  • I’m not overly keen on enabling men to have greater amounts of meaningless sex with women they consider too low quality to date, yet whom they have toxified by the pumping and dumping process. There is another side to every exchange but rest assured, I have not become a complete homo and I do believe there is a way to have mutually fulfilling encounters.

I don’t attempt to compete on price; there is only one Bodi and nobody else has done what I’ve done.

Email me to move forward. The address is: bodipua then the ‘at sign’ then gmail and finally dot com