
Anyone been following the goings-on over at Krauser’s blog? It’s gone wild! The guy has entered some kind of mythical Golden period. He’s boning teenage virgins. He did a Muslim girl in the arse. He’s on fire! Truly tales any man can be proud of.

Just coming out a period of total depression, sad Beta-Rage and failure I actually became so sick with jealousy I found myself unable to continue reading his blog. I  unsubscribed to it. My jealousy was further fueled by the fact that I was gaming with Krauser not too many months ago and he didn’t seem to have any magical powers. I think I had more success day-gaming that day than him.

How does he do it? One theory of mine was that after having his heart mortally wounded with a failed 8-year marriage he has systematically engaged in a campaign to squash every last ounce of humanity out of his soul, turning himself into a cold, heartless game-machine where all relationships are highly controlled and said heart has no chance of every being exposed again. Reading his blog it does seem a bit machine-like, the high volume approaches, the legwork, the routines. Perhaps my failings are just that I have too much heart. Maybe deep inside I’m just the sensitive type?

Whatever saddo. One things for sure: he is fucking large amounts of hot young women and I am not. He’s done massive amounts of work and has scary-level commitment. Furthermore I’m only recently becoming aware of my massive capacity for self-delusion. Sensitive? Maybe… but read the last post and decide who has the most fucked-up attitude to women and is generally the most sick in the head. I bet you if I actually had some success and actually, really,got to fuck a few attractive women I’d like womankind in general an awful lot more.

Head over and check out his site. It’s a bit boasty and listy but he’s never promised more and it’s hard, solid proof of someone achieving success with Game that most LSS forum-dwelling twats can only dream of.

4 responses to “Krausertude”

  1. Yeah, Krauser has been doing well lately it seems like.

    I’m proud of him. I need to get on my shit so I can reach that point too.

    He does seem to have a crazy work ethic about it and does a lot of daytime approaches.

    I know a lot game guys talk about getting out and doing 1,000 approaches. I know I haven’t hit that magical number yet, but I bet Krauser has… then again, he’s about a year and a half in from what I can tell…

  2. Great to have you blogging again. I was checking this site every couple of days for new posts. Here’s my thoughts:

    1. I’m just coming off my hottest streak ever, so it’s not like this level of success is normal for me. Game is like all human activity – you have runs of good form and runs of bad form. The trick is to bring your base level ever higher. I’m sure even on Cristiano Ronaldo’s worst ever day he’s still 10x better than me at football on my best ever day.

    2. I went through a similar period of not reading blogs / the lss. Reading other people’s lay reports when I was not gettting laid used to hurt my inner game and state. One of the toughest things in game is internalising the belief that you CAN do it and you’re not a loser when you’re not getting laid.

    3. Your psychoanalysis about my response to marriage isn’t far wrong.

    4. “He’s done massive amounts of work and has scary-level commitment.” True. More than anything, my progress has been due to work ethic rather than talent.

    5. “I bet you if I actually had some success and actually, really,got to fuck a few attractive women I’d like womenkind in general an awful lot more.” This applies to me. My misogyny has really cooled off now that I’m meeting more of the type of women I like and getting some jollies from them. I’m realising some of my misogyny was just sublimated beta rage.

    6. “It’s a bit boasty”. Was just talking to Suave about this. I think it’s because I haven’t internalised the identity that I’m someone who has this level of success, so I have to keep telling myself and validating myself via my blog. Probably when I’m consistent I’ll stop putting up close videos.

    Anyway, couldn’t resist the chance to talk about myself……

  3. “I’m realising some of my misogyny was just sublimated beta rage.”

    that’s where i am at.

  4. “Perhaps my failings are just that I have too much heart. Maybe deep inside I’m just the sensitive type?”

    me again.

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