Day2 Dojo

Is this how it ends for some of us? We started with good intent. We read books and voraciously acquired material. We got a nice shirt, maybe a necklace with a skull on it, met up with some wings from the forums and did approaches in bars. Sometimes we went to Covent Garden and walked round for ages and occasionally stammered at a girl that she was cute. We read some more. We approached less. Now, out of ammunition, we have to resort to using the enemy’s rifles against them. We sign up for a dating website. We go on dates. We meet a nice, plump, HB6 and finally we get to jettison years of backed-up cum up her guff. It feels good. We almost shit the bed. On the way to work the next morning we punch the air. Better to fuck the liver out of a reasonably responsive HB6 three times a week than walk round a bar with a small, drunk asian man in a bowler hat called ‘Fantasia’ and get blown out by HB9’s.

We stop spending so much time on the forums. We hide the books. Now the nuts are getting emptied once a week it doesn’t seem so pressing. It’s a great feeling, going to work from your girlfriend’s house. Saying at work that you’re “meeting the girlfriend for dinner”. The PUA dream fades out of sight.

Not I sir! Not I! I will NOT go gentle into that good night. I WILL NOT settle for a fat, thirty-five year old lazy-eyed girl with small tits who watches DVD box sets every night. But… I will do online dating. Oh no! Various more-successful-PUAs-that-I-know cry! You’ve given up! You pathetic fuck.

Well eat my shorts you little turds. Half the reason you hate the idea anyway is because it challenges your own model of the process.

Here’s my framing grace:

  1. I am “getting back into game” after Snapback.
  2. I am shit at day2’s. I managed to have three day2’s with the Venezuelan and create zero sexual energy.
  3. When on form I can get numbers in daygame from girls I’d dearly love to fuck. I want lots of day2 practice in before I meet these lucky ladys.
  4. The proportion of approaches to day2s is high. It’s going to piss me off doing loads of approaches to get the day2 practice. Or fucking up day2s with gorgeous little asian sex dolls because I’m still such an asexual chode.

The Plan

Online dating is my “Day2 Practice”. I sign up and use it as a “Day2 Dojo”. I’ll meet as many women as I can. We’ll start with a mere TEN dates and see how that goes. That could be 200 daygame approaches worth! Definitely worth it. I’ll not be fussy. Even if I don’t fancy them (highly likely) I’ll just practice my skills. If they go for it, fine, I’ll crank one up them down a backlane and get the old pipes flowing again then move on.

We can take this further. Look at my chum DrunkenBaker. He did online dating for a while and got himself a nice, safe little girlfriend. She cooks him pies, makes him hot chocolate, takes him on weekends away and gives him the all important regular sex. I firmly believe that once a man knows he has guaranteed sex then he starts to emit a different kind of pheremones. The man without guaranteed sex emits the acrid stench of desperation. Millions of years of survival have fine tuned a woman’s pre-selection instincts. You might be drowned in High Karate but to her you reek like a maggot infested corpse. Once the nuts are getting regularly blown out then it changes your physiology and your body language and you are instantly more attractive. I swear it. God I remember the outrageous swagger I had last time I was enbitched. Sauntering round a bar, dispensing my witty quips and charming smiles to various girls, absolutely calm and smug in the certain knowledge that once I got home my gorgeous girlfriend (yes, I’ve had one) was going to hoover the cum out my dick like an industrial vacuum-cleaner. Bless her.

This is what it boils down to:

  1. Practice day2 skills
  2. Acquire a regular sex girlfriend to adjust my sex pheremones and help me with my real goal, which is using game to pull a really hot girl, or several of them.

It’s going to be fun. I’ve never felt so freed up before. I can try different strategies different nights. I can try being overtly sexual, more kino, less kino, asshole game, chick-crack, vulnerability game, the lot. And every last drop will get blogged here.

Let’s begin!

I dug out my old profile from when I tried online dating last November in Newcastle. Let’s compare my old and new profiles. All comments and edits are welcome. This isn’t final, I’ll revise it over the next few days.

Old Profile: Me

I’m an interesting chap and am deluded enough to believe I am unique. I’m a sensitive, obsessive, quite nerdy, fussy. Wickedly funny with a sense of humour sick as Jacko and dry as the Sahara. Fiercely loyal to friends, remorseless to enemies, kind to little dogs.

Me me me… more about me. Well I worked abroad in China for 2 ½ years in I.T. I didn’t like the job so I saved up money and quit and spent 6 months writing and illustrating a book and setting up a company. I’ve now come back to the North East to look after my dad (he has Alzheimer’s) and do various business stuff.

I’d say I’m an artistic and creative person. I like looking at interesting buildings, paintings, scenery, pots, clothes, women. I value intelligence. I’m dead clever. Oh and modest, obviously. I like to do stuff. Achieve things. Create things. Hobbies are good. I’m learning a musical instrument (although I won’t say what it is or you will laugh).  The satisfaction is in the process not the end result.

I’m also a bit OCD. I like lists. And spreadsheets. Plans. Notebooks. Diaries. I’d guess I’m geeky. I understand computer stuff. It was my job and I’m not ashamed of it. I have oomph. I want to achieve things. I’m a bit manic.. when I’m up I’m up, but when I’m down… It’s been hard for me coming back from the expat life in Asia to living in Newcastle. However I’m slowly trying to put a life together and fill up my calendar. Maybe you can help!

My dad says I’m a ‘softarse’. I’m not very macho I must admit. Doing ‘lad’ stuff bores me. Sport bores me sh*tless. I’d rather sit and talk with my mates girlfriends while they run round with red faces shouting at each other. I like books. Good movies. Walks. Architecture. Shirts with flowers on. Latte. No, I’m not gay. Sitting in a café reading a book for hours. Travel is great. I’d love to meet some awesome lass and go backpacking across India.

Don’t want anything heavy duty (at least not to begin with). Drop me a line. Tell me what awesome skills you have. We can tell each other hilarious jokes.


Not the worst thing ever but it still makes me shudder. If I was a girl would I find this attractive? Probably not. It’s Herby. It seems to be the profile of a wimp. A slightly insecure, reasonable intellectually aspirational, nerd. Probably a nice guy.

I’d noticed lots of girls seemed OCD and fussy so I’d put that in the profile somehow thinking it was attractive. The bit about being a “softarse” is a total DLV. In fact the thing is full of DLVs.

On the good side I had a basic understanding of DHVs. There are plenty in there: looking after dad, working abroad, saving money, writing. Very nice.

New Profile: Me

I’m an interesting chap and am deluded enough to believe I’m unique. Sensitive, obsessive, strong, charismatic, shy, confident, I dunno.. Sick as Jacko and dry as the Sahara. Fiercely loyal to friends, remorseless to enemies, kind to animals.

I worked abroad in China for 2 ½ years. I didn’t like the jobs so I saved up, quit and spent 6 months writing and illustrating a book and helping friends set up a couple of businesses. I came back last year, spent some time with my dad (who has Alzheimer’s) and have now bit the bullet and am in London doing an IT contract.

I’m a creative person. I write a lot. I like looking at interesting architecture, paintings, sculpture and women. I value intelligence. I’m dead clever. And modest of course. I’m a confident guy. I know what I want and I know what I need. Do you? Don’t bother replying if you like wimpy men. Saying that, sport bores me. I’d rather read a book. Or go for a walk. Travel is great. Let’s go to India! We’ll do some backpacking then tour on an old motorcyle with a sidecar.

I don’t want anything heavy duty (at least not to begin with). Drop me a line. Tell me what awesome skills you have. Tell me a hilarious joke.


I tried to cut out the DLVs and make the tone more in keeping with the way I feel as a man now i.e. stronger. Remembering Krauser’s awesome technique of future-fantasy-projection I put some in about travelling together. Notice I’m trying to get them to qualify to me. Still needs more work and more material in there.

Old Profile: Her

After much deliberation I have boiled it down to three things…

1) nice person

2) good sense of humour

3) the patience to put up with me

Ta da! The rest is a bonus.

Now to fill in the gaps..

What’s ‘nice’? Well being kind hearted and pleasant. I don’t mean wimpy and soppy. Oh no. I don’t like wimpy and soppy. I like strong-minded, sorted, sound women. Yes, they can be all together. No hang ups about men is good, no chips on shoulders. There’s no reason you can’t have a backbone of steel yet be a nice person. So often people seem to get this all confused.

Sense of humour: well everyone thinks their’s is great don’t they so not like someone is going to read this and go “oh I’m not suitable my sense of humour is rubbish”. I suppose I should mention I am quite un-PC.

Brains. Smarts. I like it I like it. Educated, a degree. A decent job. Nerd? Fine by me. Engineer, doctor, painter, whatever. But do it well and take pride in it! When women talk science it turns me on.

Interests. Being interesting. Having hobbies. Contributing something. Doing something. Getting out there and getting stuff done. Dislike for mediocrity. Ambition is good. Ambition for anything. It’s attractive.

You’ll look after yourself too. Cook nice teas. Take exercise. Not wheeze when walking up stairs. (although for reasons of full disclosure I must state that although I was an exercise fanatic in China since coming back due to stress I have pigged out on cheese and put on 8lbs)

I’d like a partner…(er, obviously). I mean I want someone to experience life with. Do stuff. It all seems so much more in focus with someone else there to share it with.


Ugh. This is gross. The beginning bit just reeks of low standards. Following that the whole tone is of ‘cheeky down-to-earth chappy’. I mean “cook nice teas”. Come on! Gross. After the initial list the succeeding explanations just feel DLV’ey to me. “When women talk science it turns me on”. No it didn’t. This was just an amateur trying to guess what women would find attractive and making a pig’s ear of it. “Ambition is good. Ambition for anything”. This is killing pre-selection. What kind of girls has this guy had? And admitting I put on weight? Why bother. You can bet your arse the corpulent PA girl reading this strikes me off the list because of that.

New Profile: Her

You’ll be a nice person with a good sense of humor. Warm, caring, sparkling, good energy, sweet, feminine; these are all qualities that are attractive to me. I like smart women but I’m not turned on by long discussions about politics. I like strong minded women. You should have hobbies and interests like me (watching DVD box sets each night doesn’t count). Engineer, dancer, telesales, lawyer, secretary, I don’t care. It doesn’t really matter does it? You click or you don’t. I don’t believe in fine-tuning criteria and having a set age group or demographic. The chemistry happens or it doesn’t.

You’ll look after yourself and enjoy life. You’ll want someone to experience it with.


Still a first draft but trying to sound like a man with options who knows what he wants. Notice no reference whatsoever to looks. Obviously it’s absolutely the most important criteria but I think it’s more productive not to mention it. Needs some chick-lures in there. Needs a little more material but not too much. Remember, chicks are retards and we don’t really give that much of a shit about anything except their looks and how likely I am to get laid. Let’s not give them reasons to exclude themselves. Notice that all the criteria I list are ones that, of course, every generic womb-carrier believes that they have.

The Reality


  • Thirty five but younger at heart than you.
  • A bit fat but in a 1950’s bodybuilder style. Big. Strong. Can kill Betas.
  • Scary clever.
  • Twisted, sick fuck.
  • Low expectations of this process. Goal is to cruelly use the dating site to get lots of day2 practice in and obtain a ‘girlfriend’ who is in fact a dependable source of regular sex. This will alter my phermones and body language, get the sex monkey off my back and really help my game and my main goal of getting a really hot or many really hot youngish women with fabulous bodies to fuck me as much as possible and put to rest the demons of a lifetime of failure with women.


  • As fit as humanely possible. Body more important than face by far. Fat is only ok if you have great D cup tits, at least. Small tits only acceptable with a good arse. I don’t actually expect you to be that fit. I’m realistic. You may have been fit earlier when you were 20 but now you may be 35 and losing it. Nevertheless as long as I am able to obtain some sexual gratification from you I will consider you. I, too, am 35 but I am a man so I do not go off the boil like you do.
  • Intelligence not important. I’ll fuck you if you’re an idiot if you’re fun to be with.
  • You shouldn’t have an unreal sense of your own self value. This means if your looks are a 6, as are mine, then your actual value will be half of mine because I am fucking clever and brilliant and you are likely to be quite pedestrian. In this circumstance you will be attractive to me by creating polarity and this is done by being girly and feminine, not by arguing with me.
  • You should also not have really low self esteem and be whiney, insecure or neurotic. Even if you’re actually hot I probably won’t be able to stomach being with you long enough even to finger-fuck you.
  • Girls aged 30 or over who still get pissed, miss dates, get hungover, flake, have made-up women jobs, I will regard you as nothing but sport.
  • Any profiles with women taking delight in their “idiosyncracies” will not be considered. “My friends say I’m moody!”. Fuck no. “I’m demanding and intelligent”. Fuck no. These cretins actually write this shit.

Get my defence in first

I hereby state that in the slim chance I meet someone who does please, delight and arouse me then I will make a go of it. But still practice daygame.

Profile up in 24 hours. All progress will be blogged.

14 responses to “Day2 Dojo”

  1. “Big. Strong. Can kill Betas.”

    I actually spit out my whiskey when I read this line. Hilarious.

    Drop me a line if you want to see my online profile. I never go on, but it’s a pretty good one.

  2. Huge improvement in your profile. Just think about how many men can’t make online dating work for them because they don’t realize that profile writing is SO important and something that must be re-evaluated again and again. Of course, the ultimate tool in profile writing is to have a female friend review it.

    I agree that online dating is good for day-2 practice, and even better than that, you can definitely get lays out of it. There are some real differences between first dates obtained online, and real day-2s; primarily, that with an online date you can’t start out with the presumption that the woman is attracted to you in the slightest. In that regard, the online date combines parts of a bar pickup (building attraction) with a real day-2. Of course, you get no practice opening whatsoever.

    1. Good points. Opening is the most ridiculously over-hyped part of pickup, I don’t need practice in that area. I really like the way with online dating that if the woman shows up it shows she is invested but not necessarily attracted. The best arena to practice building attraction.

  3. Online dating is just another tool. The more tools you have, the better off you’ll be. Plus, as a PUA you’re gonna clean up.

    David DeAngelo has a lot of great ideas regarding online dating and profile writing. I’d recommend his free mailing list for some ideas. Read a lot of other profiles and then read yours again. There are still a lot of similarities to average profiles. If you want to stand out and get the attention you deserve from women you deserve, it has to be better.

    The HER profile is good, but you may actually want to put what you want or don’t want the person to look like. It will eliminate any ugly or overweight women and establish you as the chooser, which is very important if you want the tone of the interaction to go your way. I’d want the woman to read my profile and think, “This guy sounds great, maybe he’d go for me.” Instead of, “This guy sounds ok, maybe I should give him a shot.”

    Don’t take these women to dinner or lunch. Take them window shopping or to vintage stores. Something that will allow a lot of incidental kino and give you things to talk about besides chump talk. At the end of the date take her to eat if you want, but where you’re side by side, like at a bar in a restaurant. If your day 2’s weren’t getting attraction, you need more kino. Check out the Vin DiCarlo escalation ladder. It’s free at scribd dot com.

    I wouldn’t mention IT due to the stigma of that profession. Same goes for engineers. Just look at the people you work with and that should give you an idea of what women think. Just say you’re working on ‘projects’ and ‘contracts’. Keep it mysterious so she’s always wondering what you do. I’ve bedded many women for months who, to this day, still don’t know much about me at all, let alone how droll my job is.

    BTW, you are not a 6. As a PUA that makes you an automatic 10 because you’re the most interesting and fun person that she is going to be with in a long time, possibly ever. Remember that you deserve better than a six because you know what you’re doing. There’s no beta guesswork involved. You know the process, just gotta make it part of you.

  4. why don’t you put of two profiles: “the dream”, and “the reality”? it would be interesting to compare the responses you get.

    i’d leave this line out: “Don’t bother replying if you like wimpy men.” it’s a little try-hard and should be implied.

  5. bhod,

    When you say “Opening is the most ridiculously over-hyped part of pickup” does that mean you have no problems doing cold day game approaches on attractive women?

    1. Objection your honour; leading the witness.
      The answer is no, but I still stick by my statement.

    2. “cold day game approaches”…………..LOL………what normal person talks like that?

  6. Seduction industry in one sentence: Desperate, gullible “men” (boys) who want to get laid, ripped off by shady, dishonest internet marketers who want to make a quick buck by selling lies and unrealistic dreams.

    1. That’s a bit of a sweeping comment. Have you watched The Blueprint Decoded? That stuff is deep. Have you read Roissy, The Spearhead or The Rawness? Assanova talks sense.
      There’s a lot to hate in this industry but there’s a lot of deep stuff there as well if you dig for it. If you’ve read my Ross review thoroughly you’ll see I also point out that he has something to offer as well.
      Lastly, for a website which specializes in analyzing the PUA community I was stunned at the scandalous lack of attention given to my enormous, three part review of Ross’ seminar, which broke new journalist ground in the PUA Blogosphere. People seemed more interested in goading Hypnotica, or the person who was pretending to be Hypnotica. Or posting up porn. Or writing barely literate one sentence posts.

      1. PUA Hate is trying to be relevant. It’s a forum for betas/omegas to tell each other that it’s ok to be losers and sour grapes on the PUAs. Seriously.
        “Hey let’s not try to make our lives any better. Way too much work. It wouldn’t work anyway. It’s OK to wallow in misery. In fact, people that don’t do exactly what we do are the enemy. Waaaa.”

  7. […] This all begins a while back when Jimmy Jambone at RSG mails me and asks if he can use my “real” profile on his online dating account. Just to remind you it goes like […]

  8. […] in action and it works. It’s a day 2 machine. I’m going to try this out and try and get the Day 2 Dojo that my previous efforts failed to give me. When I get Day 2’s I’m going to go in with a frame […]

  9. Under the “New” profile you mention that you “…don’t want anything heavy duty (at least not to begin with).” In my experience, this will turn off a girl in the online dating scenario faster than anything else. They will automatically assume that you only desire one night stands/physicality and will DQ you immediately. You’ll see their shit tests for this written in their profiles as “not looking to play games.” Or, in other words, looking for a man to quickly enslave into their view of a LTR/marriage.

    Otherwise, I’d say give it a go.

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