South America #1

I’ll try to make this short n sweet: I suddenly have a lot more to do with my life than spend it online.

My choices were Europe or South America, and I’ve picked the latter. The timing’s not great, it would be better to enjoy the European summer (and avoid the SA winter) until late September then head across, but other reason overrode this. The core one was that I still felt a bad taste in my mouth from Euro jaunts given my three successive and disappointing ones last year.

I also just wanted to try something different, and recapture that delicious feeling of culture shock I had when first visiting China. Could SA be a virgin territory, a repository stuffed full of different flavours of sweet culture shock for me to sample?

So far, two days in, it seems the answer is ‘yes’. I’m in Buenos Aires and my game-developed sixth sense (on vibe/life in general, not neccessarily game) is telling me things look good. The place has the magical quality that I’m looking for: “vibiness”. It’s hard to descibe, but it has it. I’ve made a few killer decisions correctly and landed on my feet, picking a fantastic, trendy neighbourhood to live in. An old RSG friend, Captain Strangelove is living nearby with his girl so my first night on the ground I find myself wandering through gorgeous, tree lined neighbourhoods, looking at happy people sitting in pavement bars drinking local wines, then I enjoy a delightful evening on the rooftop terrace eating amazing Argentine steak and pork.

Not for me sitting in a bedsit and trying to “scoop” the country, oh no. I’m seeking richness of life. I’m starting intensive Spanish on Monday. Two weeks later I begin my TEFL course. I’m already looking for apartments. I’ll find a gym in the next day or so and also look for group classes, maybe Pilates or boxing (if I can find a safe gym).

Game-wise… I’ve found myself wandering round, fascinated with the place and forgetting all about it: probably a good sign. However, it’ll bite me in the ass if I don’t start working on it. I want my experience here seasoned with the spice of women. I’ve got so much to say on this, plus my general New And Revised Travelling Philosophy that it’ll take multiple posts to explain it, but I’ll start trying to articulate it and sketch it out. Basically, if game/women is the most important thing in my life then my results will be sub-optimal and, for game/women to be the most important thing, my life will be missing aspects and that situation will probably lead me to slowly become depressed.

Unfortunately the truth is that game/women IS the most important thing for me at this age, however I need to pull off a subtle and cunning mental trick and de-prioritise it to get premium results. Do you get it? Look at Dorian Yates in his prime. What was his core piece of bodybuilding advice?

If bodybuilding is the most important thing in your life then you’ll probably never be elite level.

A nifty mental trick from an interesting guy with interesting viewpoints.

So, I plan to live a full and busy life, and repeat the steps that made me have such a wild, rich and amazing time in China: being busy, living in a vibey place and having a very rich social life with lots of friends.

Game-wise, my strategy is thus:

Social circle
Self explanatory

Sign up. Leave it. See if I get matches. If it produces a consistent trickle of dates with 7’s then keep at it, otherwise delete it as a depressing distraction and avoidance-hole.


I suspect it’ll be hard, given the hassle girls get on the streets here, but I’m going to damn well give it a try and report back the results. Already indirect game seems great: coffee shops, streets, etcetera, and I seem to have some shininess level.

If I find some non-Value-Tapping friends to do it with, I’ll give it a crack. No great hopes bar late nights and wasted days.


I was going to indulge myself with a set of ‘Predictions’ about how I’d find my time here, but let’s just see what happens instead: I don’t want to reality-weave myself. Remember the quote from Michelangelo?


12 responses to “South America #1”

  1. Buen suerte amigo!

  2. Good luck bro. Now that you are actually there I am worried that you will get a bit isolated and down, so it is very lucky that you have a good old mate living just down the street. Moving anywhere (even in the same city) is a pretty stressful experience which I always seem to forget. Unconditional friendship in a new city is worth its weight in gold sometimes.

    “A safe gym”. Ok I am now intrigued. Are there such things as unsafe gyms!?! Are you taking about catching hep c or something?

    Also BA is probably a great place to live. One of my mates said it was her favorite place in the entire world and wanted to go live there. I talked her out of it and into moving to London for some stupid reason.

  3. Hey Bodi, love your blog. I feel I can relate to your story. I used to work in IT but unplugged and left it behind. Then I taught English in Costa Rica for three years, and since travelled through Latin America. I was in Argentina for four weeks in December. Here was my impression. I would be interested to see if your experiences match:

    Social circle – this is definitely the way to go in Argentina. Girls there really enjoy setting guys up with their single girlfriends. The artform is in communicating to the girls exactly what type of girls you want them to introduce you to, otherwise they will introduce you to girls you don’t much care for.

    Tinder – Worst response rate and matches of any country I visited. It was depressing. Brazil, Paraguay, Chile weren’t anything like that.

    Daygame – Yes daygame was tough. Plenty of girls to open in the streets but conversion rate is low. Tried opening in English and Spanish, but English caused heaps of instant blowouts. Hard to say if indirect or direct was better overall.  Don’t worry, rest of South America is way easier.

    Bar/Club – like you I’m more of a daygamer. But it seemed like locals don’t really use bars/clubs as places to pick up, as it’s all social circle. That’s not to say you couldn’t pick up there if discreet. But I didn’t normally see locals even so much as making out in clubs.

    Anyway, best of luck. I’m sure you’ll have an amazing time. Through teaching English you can get a great social circle happening. I’m back in Australia now and very envious. There are some truly beautiful girls in Argentina.

  4. “If bodybuilding is the most important thing in your life then you’ll probably never be elite level.”

    I’m going to have to call bullshit on this comment. It’s definitely not true and is poor advice. Read Arnold Schwarzenegger biographies called Total Recall. Tell me body building wasn’t the most important thing in his life up until he won his first set of championships. He was obsessed with body building and it was his life mission.

    This statement holds some degree of truth when it comes to women. Being “thirsty” can fuck everything up. But if you eliminate the thirst, and see it as a sport… sort of like what Krauser does.. and you strive to perfect your “game” then you’ll only get better and better. K quit his job and did pretty much nothing but game for several years. Now he’s one of the best gamers around. So yes if you focus on WOMEN you’ll fail, but if you focus on GAME (and you enjoy it) you’ll just get better.

    1. I smell Gamma.

      1. You stated that you are going to expand upon this quote in future posts. I look forward to your explanation on how I’m wrong. I know of no other way to get exceptionally good at something difficult other than go “all in”. I’d love to get a new perspective. Not being a troll either.

    2. @Tim – I think the point that Bodi/Dorrian Yates were trying to make is that if bodybuilding/shagging are the only thing you measure your success by, then you are in trouble. And even if you understand that, if you spend all your free time doing those things to the determent of other things outside of work, then you are making these things the sole measure of your success, even if you are self observant enough to realize that this isn’t productive. Understand that you are in a bad situation doesn’t help until you take steps to remove yourself from that bad situation. Regular people need things that they can consistently do well at to maintain their self esteem. There probably are a small minority of people out there for whom making bodybuilding/shagging into an obsessive game works well, but I’d imagine this is a very small number of guys.

  5. Good job for going, I went last year for 2 weeks and I am planning a 3 week stay extended visit next winter. The quality of women in this city is like nothing I’ve seen. I suspect only Russia has better quality.

    What neighborhood are you staying?

    1. I’m in Palermo. So far I’d not say the quality is even at Prague levels.

  6. If I could go back in time and go to Argentina for the first time again, I’d definitly buy a Dual-sport motorcycle and ride across the country from Buenos Aires to Mendoza (and Chile eventually). It is such a fantastic area with unbelievable stunning landscapes and the cities in this country are worth a stay. To me, Argentina (and especially Chile) are by far the nicest areas to live outside of Europe.

    Out of curiosity, how is your social circle doing? Or, what kind of social circle are you going after? Like, blending in with the locals or hanging out with the local anglosphere community.. I guess you speak spanish?

  7. Moar updates please!

  8. Where you going in South America to live? I may be visiting some countries there soon. I followed some of your posts a while back about Singapore, because I was thinking about moving there.

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