Book Update

Well, I did meant to post my “I’m back” update first, but it’s not quite ready….

So! The text of DBATS III has been written and is being edited. Simultaneously, work to lay out the book for publishing as a hard copy and an e-book (an EPUB) has commenced.

My goal is to release it by mid-August, although it will depend how quickly I am shipped a test print.

I need some feedback from my readership. Producing a physical print version will have some challenges given the size of the manuscript (200k words). It’s hard to work out a print format which is both readable without migraines due to tiny, cramped text and where I can make enough money back to pay for all the work put in. The book will need to be quite expensive in order to recoup this quite astonishingly high figure.

If you’ve read the other DBATS books and want to read the new one, please complete the survey embedded in this embedded Twitter post. I’ll precis the options here where I’m not hit with the 25 character Twitter limit.

  1. I will buy the 800 page (200k words) EPUB at 30 euros.
  2. I prefer physical books and will buy part one, and part two, which will be B5-ish size books, 1.5 line spacing, around 300 pages each (100k words). Each one will be about 22.50 euros.

If you don’t want to read it, or find it too pricey, please just don’t respond!

Why will it be so expensive?

  1. It took me three years of hell to write, never mind the seven years of living to get the material.
  2. My life of miserable suffering has been put into this thing in order that you can learn from my mistakes and avoid some of the same traps.
  3. The cover art, editing and layout have cost me thousands. I’ll be lucky to break even.
  4. It’s full of some great nuggets of outer and inner-game insight which are worth their weight in gold. I’d like to hope that this book will change many readers’ ‘game trajectories’!

2 responses to “Book Update”

  1. Loved your old blog currently daygaming in london we met once and you provided quite good advice i was 25 years old at the time.

    Wanted to ask what the new book is about

  2. Can’t wait for part three broo!! I’m half way through the second one. So entertaining and insightful game-wise also.

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