Reading list

I’m going to keep a little record here of all the material I’ve gone through so far:



  • Swingcat’s book  [er, book]
  • RSD: The Jeffy Show [dvd]
  • Ross Jeffries Speed Seduction 3.0 Seminar, London, August 13-15, will see the man himself in person! [real life training]
  • Ross Jeffries: Nail your Inner Game, Fear into Charisma, Beyond Confidence [dvd, and only if I decide he’s not shit]
  • Anthony Robbins: that ‘power something or other’ course he did, which people rave about.
  • NLP: various courses, books, etc. Probably when I’m between contracts and have time to kill.
Holy fuck never realised I’d got through so much. Can anyone give me a killer opener?

3 responses to “Reading list”

  1. That’s a great list man..
    Your seem quite well read on the topic.
    I’ll be sure to add one or two of them to the list 🙂

  2. interesting. i thought deida was amazing. i also really liked gunwitch. i need to read mode one.

  3. Ahhhh, classic material. I they’re launching a brand new list on and they’re going to update all the self-devlopment/seduction material if you’re still into that.

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