I have two equally tempting life plans for December and January (while I’m between contracts) and I can’t make my mind up.
- You love whoring.
- Cost is not the most important factor.
- In a year’s time you plan to take a big chunk of time off work, six months to one year, to do whatever you feel like, which may be more of the same.
Plan A: Two month full-time Game-fest in London
My current contract ends at the end of November. I can keep my flat on and stay in London, full-time not working for The Man, right through till when I ideally want my next contract to start, say 1st February. That’s eight weeks minus a week at home for Christmas. The plan would be to Game and write full time. A Game orgy. We’re talking five day-game, five+ dates (if possible) and four+ bar game per week.
- Nitrous oxide boost for the Game, which frankly has stalled horribly since Snapback.
- May get a bird(s).
- Probably do more writing than the other plan.
- Not travelling in lovely warm Asia places.
- Not whoring in lovely warm Asian’s places.
Plan B:Month long travelling/whore-fest in Asia.
Can the flat and get on a plane. Spend a minimum of four weeks travelling round Asia, visiting friends in China and Manilla, travelling through Thailand and Laos, having a whale of a time and fucking as many hot prostitutes as I possibly can. Remaining weeks spent up North with folks.
- Sex with multiple dozens of gorgeous, enthusiastic, cheap Asian women.
- Random chance of bagging a freebie, traveller, shoring, etc.
- Not in London.
- No real progress with Game.
- Gives up on the whole ‘great experiment’ idea (temporarily) which was supposedly to give western women another chance.
- Slightly more expensive than the first plan.
Vote away! Suggestions welcome.
[polldaddy poll=3758756]
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