And so it begins…

It begins.

So the clockwork is broken. The system is running backwards. The pigs are running the farm. Heart surgeons are watering weeds with orange juice. Women feed their babies till they die then push geese round in prams all day. The sky is now called the ground and vica versa. Nobody does any work yet Head Pig tells us all is well.

Ayn Rand described all of this decades ago in her omni-prescient masterpiece “Atlas Shrugged”. Let us ask “Who is feeling the pinch?”. Who is getting screwed? The answer is that our current system is more like an inverted pyramid; layer and layer of crawing, screaming, lying, cheating fools and jesters piled ontop of each other and right at the very bottom, the very bottom, is a small number of people pressed down in the filth carrying the whole lot on their backs.

The ordinary families who don’t have the time or money to raise their kids anymore. The mothers who can’t stay at home and raise their children anymore. The middle class families who can’t afford to have children anymore. And men. Lots and lots of white, middle class men who are the very backbone of a modern civilized society. They toil away with zero respect and the system takes the fruits of their labour from them.

At what point does it all start to go wrong?

Let’s take a look at Norway! The other day some guy capped 68 people in a joint bombing and shooting “outrage”. Why did he do this? Well I’ve downloaded his 1,500 page manifesto and look forward to reading it but I suspect his views are very similar to my own and a vast amount of the Manosphere.

He lives in a country in the advanced stages of socialism and feminism. Cultural Marxism has long ago eroded the ties that bind people together and rampant immigration is destroying ages-old cultures. Men, despite doing virtually all of the work which generates a civilized society are stripped of their pride and role by rampant feminism. The lazy liberal leftist press allows no discourse other than within the bounds they set. Opinions outside of this are shamed and disallowed. At some point he feels he has no other option to make his case heard than by violence.

On an individual level I feel horror at what Anders Behring Breivik did to all of those families by killing their children. On a collective level I see it as collateral damage. If a hundred thousand people worldwide read his manifesto and at least a few hundred see the truth and WAKE UP then this a step towards rescuing society and the deaths will be repaid tenfold. How many people have already died through the ages in Norway to make it what it is now? How many Norwegian females pass their reproductive peak childless, their never-conceived children murdered by feminist lies? The only good feminist-socialist is a dead one.

My prediction is that the UK is on an express train to hell. The increasing idiocy of the way our society is run is exponential as more ways to tamper with systems are put in place to try and correct faults caused by previous tamperings. As our ability to produce genuine wealth rapidly dries up the few wealth producers are bled harder and harder. A lot of them start to simply give up and withdraw their labour. A lot of them leave and emigrate. In further folly the government throws the doors wide open to allow free for all immigration, desperate to keep receiving tax revenue. Finally our level of wealth equalizes with the countries that immigrants come from, the difference being in those countries you are allowed to become rich. Immigrants return home. Britain suffers a quiet revolution.

Or something like that. I see this happening in front of my eyes but does it bother me? It used to. Now I just laugh. I think the British deserve it.  I have zero intention of blowing anyone up to “make a case”. No way siree. I intend to live a rich, fruitful, productive and enjoyable life. I’ll simply leave. However I’ll be sure to visit regularly in twenty years time to gloatingly observe the chaos that I predicted.

Or maybe it won’t happen. Maybe men will finally wake up before that point. What will be the signs of the sleeping dragon awakening? Look out in the papers for signs of “unusual” increases in violence towards women or immigrants. Increases in rapes. Increases in prosecutions for “causing racial hatred”. Men dropping out of the mating game and self-bonding with male only activities. Women finding doors slamming in their faces. Random white middle class loners snapping and committing atrocities. Respectable, middle class office workers snapping during lunch one day in spitting in the face of their female colleagues.

It’ll be sweet. Oh so sweet. Let me lick your tears.