
  • Some text game.

    My text game has gone through a baptism of fire the last three months. Time and time again I’ve lost good leads due to shit text game. Despondently I realised that street game doesn’t transfer (much) to the art of the SMS; it was time to hang up the 16oz gloves for a while and… Continue reading

  • The Hump

    I’ve tried to learn the guitar five times in my life. I love rock music and I’d love to be able to play along to my favourite tracks and express myself on the instrument. I also love the way they look and could happily abandon myself to the fetishistic obsession of guitar collection: the horned… Continue reading

  • BOOM! First SDL from daygame: Part Two

    Tom Torero has given me a great tip on a bar location and I’m waiting there. In the meantime I’ve had another pre-fight strategy call with Krauser. The likelihood of getting laid is now stunningly high. I contemplate the thought of actually having to physically fuck this girl. Shit! How can I be great in… Continue reading

  • BOOM! First SDL from daygame: Part One

    It’s March. Me and Krauser have been out for the day strolling round town. Late afternoon, around 4ish, we’ve reached Trafalgar Square. I’m tired and feeling like calling it a day. Krauser points out a girl in the distance: tall, leggy and with skin-tight black leggings on displaying an amazing ass: like someone dipped a… Continue reading

  • Hello again

    Well I’ve decided to start blogging again. I’ve put this off for a long time. Even as I type this I realize how the wheels of writing, the ability to shape, express and present my thoughts in a succinct fashion has, to what extent I ever acquired it, certainly seized up and gone rusty. I… Continue reading