I’ve learned an important lesson: vibe, not quantity, is king, and although I still hold that sometimes Approachathons are very valuable tools this time around I found my Approachathon rapidly soured my vibe: I started to feel down and miserable so I decided to just stop. There’s simply no point progressing: if you feel shitty then there’s literally no point doing daygame: doing even more daygame just makes your vibe worse and your results even worse. It’s a negative feedback cycle.
I’ve done 116 sets so far and had a bunch of leads. I’ve had five dates and unearthed three super-on SDL type girls who sadly couldn’t be bounced to a date. Not bad going. Sometimes I forget that it took me MONTHS to do that many sets when I first started, so at least I’ve achieved something.
Now I’m in ‘vibe repair’ mode. I’m having a few days of doing normal things to put my vibe back on track. I’m deliberately focusing on giving my vibe some TLC. I get up in the morning and go and eat a lavish breakfast at my favourite hotel cafe. I deliberately make friendly small talk with as many waiting staff and shop assistants as possible. I pack my laptop and go chill out, drinking tea and doing some writing. I’ve scheduled normal-person holiday activities: a few long walks, visit a shopping mall, see a Church, look in at an art gallery, walk round a lake, that sort of thing. I can feel myself returning back to normal.
For anyone beginning daygame let me save you a lot of time and if you haven’t worked it out already inform you that daygame has an inbuilt throttle to it. The more daygame you do, the weirder you feel (and become) and consequently the less success you have as women start to pick up on the scent of oddness. What this means is that you cannot simply ramp up the volume of daygame that you do and maintain the same level of success. For most people daygame is not heavily scalable.
Let’s say you start daygame. You do five hundred sets as ‘training sets’ and then after this point you keep a record of your sets to dates to lays and over the next six months you do four hundred more sets. You get laid twice from this. ‘Brilliant!’ you think, ‘I now have the formula! Two hundred and fifty sets equals one lay’. You then decide that you’ll now do four hundred sets a month and get laid twice a month, each month. Thirty sets Saturday, thirty sets Sunday and four evenings of fifteen sets an evening. Hard work but worth it for the twenty four girls you’re sure to bang over the next year.
Wrong! Five days in you’re exhausted. You’re trudging round Covent Garden in your work clothes at nine PM and feeling like the creepiest and weirdest man in the world. If, somehow, you manage to stick at it then you sadly find that your approach to lay ratio falls off a cliff and although you’re managing to do four hundreds sets a month you’re getting laid once every two months.
Rare daygamers actually manage it. They do thousands of sets a year and manage to maintain a consistent vibe throughout. It makes me wonder if these guys are in fact somehow broken, as this seems an abornomal thing to achieve. It also makes me wonder if their game was odd to start with: perhaps they never made much emotional connection anyway, or regarded the whole thing as an act. Or maybe they just have incredible state control.
A better goal for daygame is minimum work and maximum results and the path to that is vibe and mindset: those are the killer components that get you crazy results. I recently saw Steve Jabba do a grand total of six sets over a week, all with super hotties and get amazing reactions from all of them and two dates out of it. But how on earth do you work on vibe and mindset? I know how to work on not prevaricating before opening. I know how to work on my body language. I know how to do thirty sets in a day instead of five… but how on earth do I go out and get a killer vibe and mindset?
I’m not sure of the concrete answers, I’m really trying to work this thing out as I go along. I know on one hand that vibe and mindset produce the results, yet I have limited tools to control those aspects. On the other hand, I still think you do actually have to do enough work as well to get results and one way to track work is by keeping track of how many sets you do. There’s no point a beginner daygamer “focusing on vibe” and only doing five sets a week. Similarly there’s no point that same beginner doing a hundred sets a week: it’s too many. Perhaps the solution is simple: keep track of your sets and set yourself a set count which is high enough to stop you becoming avoidant yet low enough to not affect your vibe, and then aggressively monitoring your vibe and protecting it. The throttle on work-rate is always your vibe.
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