Ebook oops

Well I obviously haven’t posted in a long time and this one is going to be a great anti-climax. Ok ok I will write a ‘real’ post today or tomorrow and break my posting-fast. In the meantime, I was toying with making my ebook a pdf and accidentally left the project accessible for sale on Lulu. Could anyone who bought it (bless you all! I hadn’t even announced it) please leave a comment and let me know if it renders ok. Layout and file format was a bit of a pain, given the comparatively complex layout (footnotes, pop-out boxes, fancy chapter headings) so I thought pdf would let people see it like it was designed, albeit with possibly some annoying zooming in and out.

If the test copy is unreadable… hang tight… when I get it sorted out you can have the finished one.


One response to “Ebook oops”

  1. I’ve enjoyed it from head to toe.

    Looking forward to read the next part

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