May 2010
Bhodisatta meets a Natural: a night out in a swanky club.
After my ‘bad’ one-to-one last Friday I wanted to get even with my state-puppy so I contacted a wing I’d met online and asked if he was up for going out. We arranged to meet at a swanky, upmarket club, somewhere I’d never been before and was keen to scope out. My goals for the… Continue reading
Mystery at work..
An interesting little reel of clips of Mystery at work and gaming sets in bars. Can you imagine pulling this in club? Look at the women’s reactions.. like they’re ready to deep-throat him on the spot. [youtube=] Continue reading
VH1’s “The Pickup Artist”
Why the FUC.K are all PUAs out there not watching this and raving about it? It’s money baby. I’m four episodes in and this is quality, quality educational material. Real life demonstrations of what to do and what not to do all in an entertaining package and with a big budget. Hidden camera footage of… Continue reading
One-to-one #4
My fourth one-to-one with Wisdom and Suave saw me out in Old St again on Friday night. It ended up being a very interesting session but not for the reasons I would have expected. During and just after the session I felt that it was an awful night and I felt pretty down but the… Continue reading
Russian Day Two
I met my Russian last night at museum. Her 3 friends, all HB3’s, came along as expected. No real outcome from the night in terms of ‘results’ but a good night nevertheless. I had good, old fashioned fun. I got on well with them and had a great laugh: they were all intelligent, witty and… Continue reading
Bank holiday Monday saw me off out to do some daygame. This was a really interesting day as the first half was pretty crappy but still valuable whereas the second half was a great success. I began by going up to Covent Garden. I wandered round for an hour and found a total paucity of… Continue reading
Jesus God in heaven!…
Just incredible. Continue reading
PUA name
I need a PUA name. It’s a right of passage. I’ve been thinking of ‘Bhodisatta’ but wondering if it’s too gay. I was talking to G and he made a joke that I was not testing what I read because I was keeping myself pure. He joked I was like the Bhodisattva, kept on this… Continue reading
Further impromptu day game
I was expecting to do some game with my mate G yesterday but we made each other jumpy and it pi**sed it down so it never happened so I had a nagging sense that I wanted to get some stuff done. I’m feeling pretty good and am off to get the train into town to… Continue reading
One-to-one #3
Last Friday saw me undertake my third one to one with Wisdom and Suave. As a recap my current goals are primarily to work on my AA and beyond that to start working on building the interaction. The session kicked off with Suave offering some great advice on body language. Apparently I have a tendency… Continue reading