The Odyssey Begins..
I’ve decided to read the whole of Roissy’s blog from start to finish. All 51 months of it. DrunkenBaker has just finished doing so and said it has changed his life. It really is the best written pickup/gender politics blog out there. Four months down… forty seven to go. Continue reading
Inner-Game Jabberings
I was at Salsa the other week and I got talking to a cute 20 year old student. No game, just chat. She was nice and our conversation was interesting. SalsaLord kept going on about it over the next day or so and this made me think about it perhaps more than I would have… Continue reading
The Fertility/Resources Paradigm
An interest in Game can quite quickly lead to a deep fasincation with evolution and anthropology. And cavemen. I’ve bought this and have high hopes: I met Skeletor a while back and he taught me a simple model with which to look at gender dynamics. It was pretty useful and I now like to construct… Continue reading
A Mars a day helps you work rest and play
I’ve definitely reached a high-level stage with my inner game. I now really give such little-a-fuck about what anyone I don’t care about thinks or does. It’s exquisite. I feel like my loaf is getting pretty close to being baked. I’m almost finished. I feel filled with an inhuman strength, glowing with a static charge… Continue reading
What happened to Assanova?
On a whim tonight I decided to check Assanova’s blog to see his latest article on why working on game is pointless and you should just be good looking instead. It appears his blog is gone. Assanova holds the incredibly rare position of being one of the few people who has my respect. He writes… Continue reading
Nerdy superheroes prepare to go out..
Aeons ago I saw this and thought it was the funniest video ever: [youtube=] But soon after this usurped it: [youtube=] (I originally saw both on weird French funny videos site, a goldmine of insane videos for your idiot 24 year old Estonian-target Facebook-chat game) And today I watched this and literally cried with… Continue reading
Status Update
It’s been a long time since I’ve written much on this blog. I’ve recently lost interest but feel I’ve suffered from it; writing this blog so far has been a great way to organize my thoughts and make me more centered. What’s happened recently to “Fifty Sets of Challenge” and what’s happened to me? Well… Continue reading
Kenny Powers
Kenny Powers lives his life to a soundtrack. When most people wake up in the morning they wake up scared of the world and only half convinced they want to engage with life. When’s the last time you woke up feeling great? When Kenny Powers wakes up he has this playing in his head: [youtube=]… Continue reading
DreamChink Update
Let’s recap. I opened her on Oxford Street a few days before Christmas and I had my first instant date with her. It went brilliantly and there was attraction. After xmas I follow it up and arrange dinner and drinks. Date 1 A good night. It’s fun and relaxed. Over cocktails we have rapport. I’m… Continue reading
50 Sets of challenge: Day 2: Sets #6 to #14
After DreamChink shit-tests herself into a decaying orbit I decide I get The Fury and decide to go for it. I stare at myself in the mirror and give myself a lecture, out loud for twenty minutes, visualising myself giving a bootcamp lecture. It’s brilliant and my state is good. I start off ok doing… Continue reading