• Date with an African

    I met her at Picadilly circus. Since the very average street stop and the rendezvous she’s decided to lower her SMV by a full point by butchering her afro hair into corn rows and dye them maroon. Thus, I’m uninspired. However, walking to the cafe I’m delighted to find she’s full of beans: chuntering away… Continue reading

  • Continuum Theory

    I once read an article about a man that had walked from John O’Groats to Land’s End. He said that the main attribute required was patience and the ability to detract yourself from looking at the micro level achievements of that one given day, which when examined looked in fact futile: perhaps ten miles walked… Continue reading

  • First Date Lays

    Yet again I find myself in a situation which I hate. I get a good lead from Daygame, I work my text game, I get her out for a date and make out with her… but don’t lay her. I then take her on a second and third date and still do not fuck her.… Continue reading

  • Daygame Buenos Aires

    I couldn’t live with myself for not giving it a go, so I’ve started and am now 62 sets into Experiment Buenos Aires. The inital results suggest I was sort of 70% wrong about daygame here. Firstly, and most importantly, it’s not impossible by any means. In fact, it’s not that difficult. Not that difficult,… Continue reading

  • Argentina: The Emperor’s Clothes

    I’ve been here just over three weeks now. Things are going ok: I’ve got a nice pad and made a couple of local friends. I’ll tell you one thing: the Argies are a lot friendlier than the Czechs.. jeez louise. I’ve just read Roosh’s “Argentina Compendium” and also a good few threads on the RooshV… Continue reading

  • South America #1

    I’ll try to make this short n sweet: I suddenly have a lot more to do with my life than spend it online. My choices were Europe or South America, and I’ve picked the latter. The timing’s not great, it would be better to enjoy the European summer (and avoid the SA winter) until late… Continue reading

  • Advice for a daygame daytrip

    My buddy is off to Edinburgh today to meet his friend and do some daygame: a daygame daytrip! They’re both beginner daygamers, although he has had two girls on dates before from daygame, which given his low total approach count is excellent going. I thought I’d use their trip as fodder for a new post… Continue reading

  • High Value Man Game (a.k.a Underpants-Gnome Game)

    I’m beyond game. The days of trudging the streets are behind me. After all, what kind of High Value man would do that? Now I’m into Value Game. Value Game starts with you, as a High Value man, first identifying what you consider High Value in a man. Then you work to build up these… Continue reading

  • Sabbatical: Year One

    I’m actually at Day 403, but let’s not split straws. First off, this is no longer a ‘sabbatical’; that implies I’m taking time off from work. This is now my life. Suggestions on how to rename these posts? How am I feeling? I’m loving it. I’m happy, I’m content and I cannot envisage myself ever… Continue reading

  • Overcompensation

    I was talking to my old mate Jimmy Jambone last night about my recent dates. “The problem is” I said, “I’m overcompensating: I’m going way too far in one direction”. The last couple of dates I had were with very hot Russian students, 23 and 22 years old (the second being the TYHOG). I remember… Continue reading