• Reclaiming this blog

    For a long time I have had absolutely zero urge to blog. Why is this? I used to enjoy it and found it helpful. Now it seems like an unpleasant task which I keep shirking. I don’t like what I’ve slipped into with this blog. It was always a virtually hidden, underground blog which had one… Continue reading

  • Mehico

    [Ok, it’s a bit flat, but I’ve finally written a post. Rather than prevaricate futher, I’ll publish it and get the wheels turning.]     Since my last post I’ve been busy. A winter in South America and now back to the UK, ready to start the Euro-jaunt season. Thinner, wiser, browner and more dashingly… Continue reading

  • Ebook release

    Finally, I’ve got round to releasing Death By A Thousand Sluts as an ebook. You can buy it here. It’s formatted as PDF, which although being ‘non-flow’ at least preserves the layout with footnotes, pop-out boxes etc. This is how it looks on my Kindle paperwhite:   And this is how it looks on the… Continue reading

  • Ebook oops

    Well I obviously haven’t posted in a long time and this one is going to be a great anti-climax. Ok ok I will write a ‘real’ post today or tomorrow and break my posting-fast. In the meantime, I was toying with making my ebook a pdf and accidentally left the project accessible for sale on… Continue reading

  • The London Experiment: Conclusion

    I’m writing this through gritted teeth. I really have no interest at the minute in updating my blog so I’m forcing myself to do it. I’m not saying I’m winding it up, I just mean at present I don’t have much interest, so please excuse me if this filters through into my prose.   I’ve… Continue reading

  • Game, Set and Match

    He was the tennis hopeful: the McEnroe/Sampras wunderkind toiling in the background, feted one day to step up to championship success. He was the eccentric, talented kid, toiling the competitive circuit, looking to break into the big time. People took an interest, turning up to the Wimbledon small-courts to watch. They were dilettantes: hoping to… Continue reading

  • Death By A Thousand Sluts: the pug review.

    The first review of my book is in. A Mr Pies, pug, from Singapore, sends us his thoughts: Continue reading

  • Daygame London

    London. Daygame capital of the world. What’s it like? What is it like to live the daygame dream? To walk these hallowed streets.. As I’ve been here for the last few months doing just this I thought I’d give a brief overview of my thoughts on the matter. Infinity The great benefit to doing daygame… Continue reading

  • Unplugging: 1 yr 7 months in

    Hello chaps. It’s been a long while since we had a ‘sabbatical’ themed post here so I thought it high time to bring everyone up to speed. The keen-eyed amongst you will have noticed that I am no longer in South America and are perhaps wondering why… I made the decision to go to South… Continue reading

  • Death By A Thousand Sluts

    Well. Finally… I released my book. I started writing this in January 2014 with a simple remit: describe the phases someone would go through when doing their first thousand sets of daygame. God knows I’d had ups and downs and I thought a book breaking down the phases, the emotions, the weasels and the issues… Continue reading