April 2010
This week’s plan..
Mmm seems I’m spending more time writing this blog than talking to women. Not good. I need action. Well to be fair I’ve been ill for a week but time to get moving. The plan for this week involves shock treatment to regain momentum. It is thus: Speed dating on Wednesday Hopefully another one-to-one on… Continue reading
One to one #1: review
I went out the week before last with some guys off a forum. They were a mixed bunch. The guy who’d pulled it together, R, was good looking Indian guy and I’m fairly certain had good inner game i.e. he probably loves himself a bit. There was also W who looked quite cool and good… Continue reading
Holy crap I NLP’ed/Hypnotized a girl!
I had a huge post planned about the wedding and what I acheived, etc. I’ve scrapped it and think I can summarise it below. I was the most social person there I can talk to anyone for any length of time I did not display any EDM and was reasonably charming Despite all my (previous)… Continue reading
More life-plan…
Next steps. As well as acting and comedy I am also going to focus on the following things: Diet I’m already eating pretty well but I want to just get a little more focus here and make more of an effort cooking and freezing food rather than blowing loads of money at the little M&S… Continue reading
Acting, comedy..
All the wheels are starting to turn in my master plan… I’ve just signed up for both a stand-up comedy class and a beginner’s acting class. I’ve always wanted to give both a go and on my Bootcamp TonyT did mention that he thought this avenue could be extremely productive for me. So I’ve signed… Continue reading
I love my friend H. He’s like the big brother I always wanted. I wish he was my big brother. H is about 52 (sorry H I forgot!) and he emailed me the other day. We had been discussing our time living in China (where I met him) and he said he was “lucky to… Continue reading
Is game ‘right’?
I was just talking to my friend G and gleefully describing how I was delighted to discover that some aspects of game actually work. I had been talking to a girl at the wedding and discovered that she, too, had spent time in China. In fact she’d stayed in a pokey little city which I,… Continue reading
Train journey
I’m sitting on the train on the way to a wedding. My state is gone sh1t-high. Why? I feel AWESOME. Then I realise.. I’ve just drunk the forbidden elixir.. tea! I’m normally zero caffeine all the way so whenever I do imbibe the stuff it has a really strong stimulant effect. It actually makes me… Continue reading
Psyching myself out..
I’m off to a wedding today up in the sunny North East. It’s a youngish affair, both bride and groom around the 30’ish mark. Well, youngish for the middle classes that is. I daresay in the giant white-trash swathes of England most people will have had a wedding, three kids and divorce by then. Already… Continue reading
Excellent blog
I stumbled on this blog: Citizen Renegade And was blown away. It’s a real cut above the others. Chock full of precise, incredibly useful blow-by-blow field reports and nuggets of information. He even links from within the field reports to other posts discussing topics: it’s like a little built in Encyclopedia. I would love it… Continue reading