June 2010
Excellent article on state-control
Just saw this article on the LoveSystems site. Excellent. Verbalises some stuff I’ve been discovering in the flesh myself on my recent nights out. Continue reading
Busted: first PUA-sighting
I was walking to meet friends near Holborn last night and just as I walked past a guy with a flashy shirt on he turned over the shoulder and stopped a younger girl walking past by giving her a compliment about her skirt. Noticing the opener and over-the-shoulder stance I thought “Ah ha!”. There was… Continue reading
First 4-session weekend
As part of my ‘stepping up the pace*’ program I’m planning to regularly game both Friday and Saturday nights plus Saturday and Sunday day times. This weekend was the first one. The end result is positive. I had a great weekend and will be doing so again next weekend. It was tiring, no time for… Continue reading
Why do fucked up women pull more than fucked up men?
Because a man will still fuck them for their looks Because the mating game is unfair and men have to do all the talking which is where your fucked up inner game shines through, whereas women can pull by sitting saying nothing, giggling and giving IOIs. Continue reading
First Facebook fencing..
I’ve had little luck with Facebook closes but this one is showing a pulse.. How can I not fuck this up? Suggestions welcome. >Facebook closed Sunday 23rd May >Added her on 2-3 days later. She confirms same day. Then… Bhodisatta June 2 at 7:53pm Hi HB… employee of World Fashion Warehouse and translation student. good… Continue reading
“SNL freak out”… the patheticness continues
My pal DrunkenBaker had a SNL a few weeks ago and she got buyers remorse afterwards and couldn’t handle it and declined further contact with him. His next door neighbour, and absolute ‘natural pua’*, laughed it off and said “she’ll come begging back.. they always do”. Well he’s right. She’s been back in touch. Keeps texting… Continue reading
Further wanking theories
Talking to Krauser yesterday about our masturbation habits I realised that perhaps pig-frigging can be used as a tool at various stages of the courtship level. At my level: Deny the pink-faced door-to-door salesman the rubdown he desires and abstain, only indulging once per week, on a Sunday night (“Wank Night”… like that scene on… Continue reading
Increased effort
Yet again I’m planning to “step up the game”. I’ve decided that I want to get some momentum built up on this so from now on, give or take, each week I’m going to do a daygame session each Saturday and Sunday plus go out do bargame both Friday and Saturday. Say I do this… Continue reading
Accidental greatness from my former chode life, part 1.
Looking back on the life I’ve had up until I discovered game I have to admit that I cannot truly classify myself as a hardcore chode. In fact, my purestrain AFC readers will probably regard me as a class traitor when they discover that yes, I have had a few girlfriends, nearly all of them… Continue reading