
  • High Value Man Game (a.k.a Underpants-Gnome Game)

    I’m beyond game. The days of trudging the streets are behind me. After all, what kind of High Value man would do that? Now I’m into Value Game. Value Game starts with you, as a High Value man, first identifying what you consider High Value in a man. Then you work to build up these… Continue reading

  • Sabbatical Day 335: A New Direction

    I’m back in Newcastle now, preparing my next move. Looking back over the last year I’m disattisfied with it. Game-wise I did FAR WORSE than the year before. I fucked more girls this year but the quality sucked. All of them left me disatissfied in some way whereas last year the quality of every single… Continue reading

  • My game is “awful”

    I was out today doing daygame with a friend, in my current EE city of residence. Feeling sorry for myself I was bemoaning what I perceived to be my current lack of success with daygame. “I’m not doing that well at present” I explained. “I certainly am not one of those guys that can be… Continue reading

  • The Very Special Life Of The Hot Twenty Year Old Girl

    A week ago I saw a skinny girl wandering through the street. I thought she was hotter than average, and had a dreamy, gormless look on her face which said “open me”. A few minutes into the set and I learn she’s Russian, studying here, and considers herself extraordinarily intelligent and beautiful. “I have many… Continue reading

  • 5 Traps Intermediate Daygamers Fall Into

    Ahhh daygame! The noble pursuit of the urban pussy-footpad. The legerdemain of the pavement conversationalist…. I remember daygame. I sometimes forget how much daygame I’ve actually done: well over a thousand sets so far. As my time in limbo draws to a close my imminent departure to catch the late european season lurks just round… Continue reading

  • Unexpected Consequences of Taking the Red Pill: #2: Liberation From The Matriarchy!

    Civilization is run for the benefit of women. Aside from the one historical but rapidly dwindling drawback of being socially constrained from alpha-chasing and forced to marry betas women do a lot better out of it all than men. Women live longer and they work less, facts which can easiliy be supported by looking at… Continue reading

  • Understanding female obesity

    I was talking to a friend recently and he pondered “it’s amazing women are so fat, given how much more important looks are to them”. It’s a subtle but important point: looks affect a woman’s SMV more than a man’s do so can we treat weight gain equally across sexes? People are getting fatter, we… Continue reading

  • The Unfuckables

    There’s a certain frustrating dichotomy with MILFs. On the one hand they are incontrovertibly GAGGING FOR IT, on the other hand there’s always some reason that they are over thirty and single and that reason may well frustratingly interpose itself between your game and her pussy. Most MILFs are sexually frustrated; as they’ve aged their… Continue reading

  • Self Development material shout-out..

    Comrades, I’m now back in my hometown and looking at a month or so of not-particularly-thrilling-or-globetrotting time. I’m filling it with activities and concentrating on working out a lot and stocking up a good credit of time spent with my family; but I have to say the likelihood of doing any game until I leave… Continue reading

  • Get any girl any time!

    A newbie mistake in game is to assume that all girls are fuckable at any time given the right moves and the correct application of secret PUA powers. I sitting on the train reading that bit in The Game where Style goes to a PUA conference and two girls accidentally walk in on the crowds of PUAs and supposedly… Continue reading