Pop Quiz
You’ve flown to Jakarta for a four day break. You have three evenings: Thursday, Friday and Saturday. You’re tired on your first night but force yourself to go out anyway. The first bar you’re in you get chatting to a girl who seems to not be a whore. A low 7. She’s 29 but looks… Continue reading
Solo club game!
Singapore has been fairly low key. I’ve banged four birds but not done a huge amount of work or been out a lot. I should say ‘lot’ because I guess I’ve had ten or so dates so far but in terms of gamey trips abroad this is nothing. Singapore just isn’t that good for game;… Continue reading
Step by Step: The American Tourist (part Two)
Continuing from Part One… We leave and walk up the road. I again force her to walk behind me but of course with a smirk and a half-jokey manner. Then I then offer her my arm. She links it. Compliance test passed. I now know exactly where I am in the Pick Up. I have… Continue reading
Step by Step: The American Tourist
It was the height of summer. London was thronged with tourists and me and Nick had whiled away a few pleasant hours on a Sunday sauntering through the parks and tourists sights, chatting to a number of particularly attractive younger ladies. The day was drawing to a close and we were in Trafalgar Square. I… Continue reading
Daygame Singapore
I did a little daygame in downtown Singapore last weekend. From what I could see I was the ONLY person doing so, although from a quick Gooling there do appear to be a couple of bootcamps running now and again. Singapore is not easy for daygame and here’s why: targets. I spotted very few girls,… Continue reading
“Oh is this the way they say the future’s meant to feel? Or just 20,000 people staring at a screen, And I don’t quite understand just what this feeling is.” Today I signed up for Tinder. I’ve heard a lot about it. Let me review my prior knowledge for you. Friend One: Portugese, 30, swarthy,… Continue reading
Singapore Bootcamps
Just incase you are one of my few regulars who lives in Singapore or Malaysia or Asia… (admittedly a small chance) Please note I have decided to do some coaching at some point this and next month when I am in Singapore. The squeeze page is here: http://bodipua.com/singapore-bootcamp/ Continue reading
Time wasters
Game not only gets you girls it stops girls wasting your time. Sometimes you have dry spells and a string of near-misses and think that everything sucks…. but it’s easy to forget your game is humming there in the background like a force field, at the very least stopping girls constantly fucking with you and… Continue reading
Bubble Bursting
Bubble-Bursting is an intermediate to advanced technique but is often used unconsciously by beginners or chodes and selectively by advanced players. Bubble Bursting is the technique of deliberately letting the magic PUA intimacy bubble pop to push a compliance and interest test on the girl. Consider the junior player. Coming from chodesville he finally learns… Continue reading
Give Up
One strategy that I don’t think the Gamosphere gives enough time to considering is that of giving up the ‘tactical retreat’. I believe that for a number of men that this represents their best option for the least-miserable life. Take a step back, look at the hordes and hordes of desperately unhappy, frustrated, bitter and… Continue reading